Sunday, May 16, 2004

It's been a long time, huh? Well, I'm back. I now finally have my own computer at home, and it's connected to the Internet, so I can blog from home now.

I got in to 4 of the 6 grad schools I applied to: BYU, UVa, Lancaster, and Leeds. I didn't get in to Cambridge or Purdue, but that was OK, since I really wanted to go to Lancaster anyway. (Sometime, you should ask me about the "real story" about Cambridge, if you're interested.) I've accepted at Lancaster and am now getting ready to go out there for the coming school year. And, now I'm starting to look at PhD schools, which is a really strange feeling. My roommate Margo and I are looking into going to the same school. I've been considering University of North Texas, Northern Illinois University, and Purdue. We'll see what happens, I guess. Right now, UNT is looking pretty good. But then, maybe that's just because that's the only school I've contacted so far.

I've added a new obsession in life: tall ships. It all started with the movie Master and Commander, which I happen to love, despite all my old roommates and my sister, who hate it. And that's what got me into it. They're pretty fascinating things, and I've added the HMS Victory (Admiral Nelson's flagship) to the list of things to do while in England.

I've also fallen in love with the movie The Man from Snowy River. I'd seen it before, but it had never really captured my fancy. But I watched it this weekend again, and I loved it! For one thing, it's such a classic hero tale -- man comes out of nowhere, does great, heroic things, falls in love with beautiful girl, and then rides into the sunset. He moves from a combustible, orange state to a content and controlled blue state. It's the story of life in a nutshell. And besides, the hero happens to be pretty dang cute! The sequel didn't really do anything for me, though. It felt like they were just trying too hard. Although I did enjoy the fact that he got to ride the stallion.

I guess that's the main update on my life. Nothing else very interesting right now.

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