Monday, March 14, 2005

judicial nominees, filibusters, and the "nuclear" option

I was just re-reading this wonderful article by Thomas Sowell, and I wanted to pass it along, just in case anyone else is interested. I'm very interested to see what will happen with all of this -- and I'm personally outraged at the whole situation in the Senate with the judicial nominees. But I'll spare you an elaboration of my personal opinions on this matter. Anyway, Sowell does a great job outlining the issues at stake in this struggle, and anyone wanting to think more about it would do well to read the article.

Here you go.
He who hesitates is sometimes saved. (30 points)

1 comment:

Paul P said...

Is it possibly James Thurber? That one was in my Franklin Day Planner... back when I had a Franklin, but I'm not sure who said it.