Monday, August 14, 2006

important sightings

I saw The Albino Squirrel again today on campus. He was in the same place as where I've seen him before, between the Union and the Student Services Center. But this time, some guy was kneeling next to him, feeding him nuts out of his hand.

More importantly, I saw our good friend Thurbs yesterday at church. He came in late to our first meeting and sat down the row from me and passed me a note a few minutes later, saying he was sorry he hadn't called us earlier (broken cell phone, he claimed ... sure!). He also asked if we were busy that night. So I had to explain that my roommates were out of town for the week, I was all alone, but I wasn't doing anything. He didn't say anything else about the evening after that ... The fact is, he really just wanted to hang out with Erin, and since she wasn't around, he figured I wasn't worth his time. And really, I can't blame him -- if I were a 19-year-old guy, I would much rather hang out with Erin than with me any day.

Last quote was from "Seinfeld."

It might be ten, but then again, I can't remember half an hour since a quarter to four. (86 points)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for being so prolific! It's nice to hear how you are doing...


Anonymous said...

Is Thurbs a fake name?
