Friday, April 15, 2005

may you never ...

I just tasted what I think is quite possibly the most rancid milk that ever existed. I sniffed it several times, but couldn't tell for sure whether it was still good. So I poured a tiny bit (say, half an ounce) into a glass and drank it. That ended all doubts on the subject. I kept wondering what induced me to actually swallow it, why I hadn't been smart enough to just swish it around in my mouth. Oh well.



Anonymous said...

Uh, is that supposed to be "vigilance" or is this some purposeful typo from a crazy scene in the book that I just don't remember because I'm not as doused in trivia as you are? At any rate, I'm still gonna go with Mad-Eye.

And no fun with the milk there. Luckily around here milk doesn't last long enough to go rancid on me, since Scott practically inhales the stuff.


Paul P said...

Mad Eye Moody, of course!

Sorry about the milk thing. That is why at our house I am always the one who gets to try food out before it is eaten. (Note the intentional use of the passive... :)