Wednesday, January 26, 2005

a post with no point

A little while ago, I had a brief online chat with Paul, one of my readers (wow, I have 'readers'!), who mentioned that he checks my blog about twice a day. He also checks twice a day all the blogs of everyone else he knows, basically, and I hope this sentence confuses you as much as it does me. Anyway, point is, I suddenly felt like I had to post something so that I wouldn't disappoint Paul too much. So here it is. There's not a lot to talk about right now, but you're getting a post anyway.

First, let me take care of the quote for the day, worth 10 points this time:
"By the way, why did you kiss me?"
"I don't know. I was about to be hanged, it seemed like a good idea at the time."

Ah, the memories! I remember the first time I went to see that movie. But not too well apparently, as I seem to remember seeing it with some high school friends, but it came out a few years after I had graduated from high school, and I don't recall having any contact with those friends during that particular year. I think I'm mixing it up with the first time I saw another classic film of the same type of genre, which may just end up being tomorrow's quote. We'll see.

Well, for all those who haven't yet heard, let me make you all aware that I have been called, sustained, and set apart to serve as the Enrichment Counsellor in the local Relief Society presidency. It will certainly be an interesting experience, and one that will stretch me. Our February Enrichment is next week, on February 2nd -- not much time. I'm starting to freak about it a little bit. In any case, I'm anxious to get some new people in as Enrichment Leader and Enrichment Teacher. The sisters who are there now are wonderful, but one of them is moving very soon, and I feel very strongly that it is important to get new people into those positions so that I can train them to do things how I think they should be done. The Enrichment activities in our ward have largely been just for entertainment, at least the ones since I got here, and I have very strong feelings about making Enrichment something that really addresses and fills the needs of the sisters in a spiritually uplifting way. I also have strong feelings about the division of responsibility in planning and executing Enrichment meetings. All of this, you understand, is within the bounds of what the Spirit dictates in particular circumstances -- I don't want anyone thinking that I'm trying to be dictatorial and impose my own ideas about how things should be, with no regard for what's going on in the ward and what the Lord wants.

Moving on, though ... I'm getting my data ready for my assignments of the semester. For one class, I'm analyzing linguistic variation (read: accents) in an episode of Jack Benny. That should be fun, and I've been working on the transcript for that particular show, which is always both enjoyable and tiring. For the other class, I think I'm going to do an analysis of some news articles about car accidents, and see whether they display a bias against SUVs. Lots of articles tend to personify SUVs and talk about them as though they have a mind of their own, and they go around purposely doing destructive things and killing people mercilessly. I'd like to see if that's a trend specifically linked with SUVs, or if it happens in reports about other cars as well, and the phenomenon occurs simply as a way to save words. Anyway, if you find any articles from the last 5 years or so about car accidents of any type, and specifically about SUVs, please let me know. Maybe drop me an email with a link.

Oh, and just one last note before I go. I'm working on updating my personal website, including a page with links to some of my favorite old time radio shows, so that you all understand what I'm raving about when I go on about Jack Benny, Phil Harris, and the Whistler. I'll be sure and let you all know when I have it uploaded.


Paul P said...

Wow. A post because of me! Cool!!

Another quote from the same film:

Character 1: What's the plan?
Character 2: Rescue the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy, save the world.

One of my roommates at BYU had this movie, and that is why I watched it. I thought it was a weird movie. Really weird. I did not see the sequel.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I DID watch the sequel. By the time there was a rocket powered boat I was laughing so hard people actually shushed me. So ridiculous! We just watched that movie the other day in my apartment. To go off on a slightly related tangent, two days ago I was on the ride "The Mummy" at Universal Studios and it was wicked awesome. Although, at the end of this really great ride, they have Brendan Fraiser whine about not having received his morning coffee yet. Talk about a lame ending!

KatrinaW said...

I completely agree -- the sequel was ... horrendous? ludicrous? terrible? a travesty? Can't decide on the best word here, but you get the drift. :)